Category Archives: Uncategorized

Hydroponics workshop: Plastics and alternatives

Materials (ref1, ref2):

It’s important to think about the materials which will be in contact with your nutrient solution. Some concerns are:

  • Will it leech chemicals into the water?
  • Is it UV stable or will it break down and become brittle under light?
  • Is it an organic material which can rot or mold?

Continue reading Hydroponics workshop: Plastics and alternatives

Recovering an unopenable iPython notebook

WARNING: This will be totally uninteresting unless you use iPython, and even then no promises!

Lately I’ve taken to developing code in iPython notebooks whenever possible. One thing I love about iPython is that you can turn your code into a sort of interactive guided tour, a structured and documented sequence of code snippets that a viewer can execute anew as they follow along.  This makes them great for meetings and (dare I say it) live demos, because you can demonstrate the code without typing a single keystroke, removing the biggest potential for human error. Continue reading Recovering an unopenable iPython notebook

Summer 2015 gardening project rundown!

This year I have a ton of gardening projects going on, both in my apartment and out on the balcony.  There are just so many things I want to try growing and the summer is never long enough for all of them.  I’ve also learned that I really can’t be cool about my gardening hobby.  I make every guest to the apartment take the tour of my gardening projects while I tell elaborate tales of each plant’s path from germination through troubled youth to fruitful adulthood.  My guests of course look at me like I’m a crazy cat plant lady, and they’re not wrong.  Anyway, I want to feature some of my projects in later posts, so I thought I’d lay a bit of groundwork by introducing all my main projects. Continue reading Summer 2015 gardening project rundown!

3D Modeling with TinkerCAD: making a keychain with a drawing on it

I’ve been learning about 3D modeling and 3D printing over the last month, and TinkerCAD is one piece of software which was recommended to me as a beginner.  I have to say, there’s a lot to love about it: it’s free, it’s easy to learn, and it’s web-based, which is a bigger advantage than you think.  A cloud server does all the computational work and also stores the models you make, so you don’t need to install anything, you don’t need a powerful computer, and you can access your files from anywhere.  I’m sure there are some things that TinkerCAD doesn’t do as well as the big non-cloud-based softwares, but it’s been more than sufficient for my needs thus far.

The post this time is a simple TinkerCAD tutorial that teaches a few useful tricks for beginners. Continue reading 3D Modeling with TinkerCAD: making a keychain with a drawing on it

Hello, world. Let’s make stuff.

This year is going to be a year of many projects, and this blog will be my log of it all.

I’m probably at my happiest when I’m making, repairing, designing, or hacking something, especially if it involves learning new skills.  Even if I’m just learning to use a sewing machine, I love that it expands my toolkit for solving problems in daily life, making me that much more capable as a person.  I’ve known this about myself for a long time, and I’m always thinking of ideas for new projects, but I haven’t always made it a priority in my life to find time to carry them out.

For the last few months, I’ve been getting back into an old habit of mine, which is evaluating activities in terms of whether or not they’re ‘enriching’.  An enriching activity is one that permanently enhances me as a person, giving me something: new skills, a wider and/or deeper knowledge base, a new perspective.

Continue reading Hello, world. Let’s make stuff.